- Keep Up-to-Date, Relevant & Concise
- Quantify. That’s right. Numbers. Everyone in CRE wants to know SF, deal size, $, and more (asset name, location, etc.).
- Your resume needs your city, state, and zip. Do not list your street address – a holiday card will not be sent.
- Look at quantity of information per position. In general, older roles need less info, newer roles need more. If you’re looking to parlay your current role into a role the next step higher, expand on this info.
- As you progress, older roles start falling off.
- If you are under 30 years old, keep resume to 1 page; Over 30, your resume can be 2 pages.
- Shorter the stint, less info needed.
- Your resume is never done; get it to 95% and keep it there.
- There is no perfect resume. You want your resume to be in the above average pile, not below average.
- Basic Information, Content & Consistency
- No street address. City, state, and zip code. One email. One cell.
- Customize your LinkedIn URL. It should be linkedin.com/in/firstnamelastname.
- References should not be on resume. Keep project list a separate document.
- If you choose to use periods after each bullet point, then make sure every bullet point is consistent.
- Present tense for current role, past tense for past roles. Stay consistent; (–) vs (—).
- Utilize one font for the entirety of your resume.
- Spacing — Look at the line break symbol to make sure of consistency between sections.
- Include personal achievements specific to your role and brag (a little)… Your resume shouldn’t just say what you do, but how well you do it.
- Must include technical skills; i.e. Financial Modeling, Excel, Argus.
- Proof Reading & Sending Off Resume
- Sit down with someone…anyone. Give them a copy of your resume and let them review it for 60 seconds.
- When finished, have them turn it over and write down the top 3 things that come to mind. This is how you are perceived on paper.
- Do this with 2 or more people… the more the merrier. Update your resume by year end. Your resume is never truly done. Get it to 95% completion and keep it at 95% with tweaks/updates here and there.
- Unless specified otherwise, your resume should be submitted as a PDF. This format allows no flagged words or phrases, no unpredictable format changes, and PDFs cannot be altered.
- Recruiters will specify in the job posting which file format you should send your resume. If they didn’t, or they gave you a free choice, always go with PDF.
- Choosing & Preparing References
- Have a ready list of references, ideally previous supervisors who will provide strong testimonials on your behalf. This may be someone who left your company or a leader you worked directly with.
- As you progress in your career, add and remove individuals from your reference list as appropriate.
- 3 references is ideal.
- Make sure you have permission from your references.
- Stay in touch with your references. Do not reach out to someone you haven’t spoken to in 3-5+ years and immediately ask for a reference.
- Prepare your reference. Talk to them about what you’re applying for.
- Do not include references on your resume. They are valuable to you and you don’t want to unnecessarily waste their time.
- Follow up with reference, thank them, and keep them updated and update on the status of your job search.