In today’s competitive commercial real estate (CRE) job market, it’s crucial to make a strong first impression with your resume. Recruiters often spend just six seconds skimming through each application, looking for key qualifications that match the job opening. As a CRE executive search firm, we understand the importance of crafting a resume that quickly grabs attention and highlights your relevant skills and experience. Here are three expert tips to help you create a skimmable resume that stands out from the rest.
Instead of overwhelming recruiters with your entire work history, focus on highlighting your relevant professional experience. Tailor your resume to match the specific job opening, emphasizing the skills and achievements that align with the desired role. Recruiters are seeking a match to that particular job opening. They are not interested in a whole report of unnecessary details of your career that may indicate overqualification. Furthermore, formatting is key. A two-page resume is acceptable, but you must ensure your resume has enough white space and bolded job titles to make it easy for recruiters to skim down the left side of the page.
Avoid subjective and ambiguous language on your resume, such as “passionate self-starter.” These soft skills will be assessed during the interview. Instead, emphasize your hard skills, which are best demonstrated through numbers and measurable accomplishments. Circle the nouns on your resume and see if they can be quantified. For example, highlight the number of successful deals closed, square footage managed, or revenue generated. This approach provides concrete evidence of your capabilities and helps recruiters quickly assess your qualifications.
In today’s digital age, your LinkedIn profile is an essential tool for job seekers, especially in the CRE industry. Recruiters often use LinkedIn to search for potential candidates. To improve your visibility, regularly update your profile and switch up relevant keywords every two weeks. This prompts LinkedIn’s algorithm to re-scan your profile and keeps it at the top of recruiter searches. Additionally, take advantage of Creator Mode, which alters the presentation of profiles to emphasize topics that you discuss most on the platform and allows you to choose hashtags aligned with your skills.
Crafting a skimmable resume is essential for CRE job candidates who want to stand out in a competitive job market. By focusing on relevant professional experience, quantifying your achievements, and optimizing your LinkedIn profile, you can increase your chances of catching the attention of recruiters and securing the next step in the hiring process. Remember, your resume is your ticket to the interview, so make sure it’s concise, professional, and effectively highlights your qualifications. Good luck in your job search!
Click here if you need further guidance; RETS offers resume writing services (resume, cover letter, LinkedIn profile). We can help you perfect your resume and assist you through any uncertainty your have through this process. The RETS Team brings a deep, strategic understanding of the real estate industry to your recruitment needs.