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RETS Associates results from 2nd Annual Financial Analyst Survey

By November 12, 2013March 24th, 2022, Survey Results

In the past 12 months RETS Associates has worked with clients on over 50 real estate financial analyst searches. Last year, RETS surveyed financial analysts to gain an insider’s perspective into what it takes to have a successful career. This year, RETS conducted its 2nd annual survey, completed by over double the amount of participants as last year—giving RETS an even deeper understanding into the role of a financial analyst.

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This year’s study included financial analysts from all over the nation— ranging from entry level financial analysts with little experience, all the way up to directors with 7+ years of experience. With comparisons made to last year’s survey, it seems as though the increase in the job market may have had influence over what a financial analyst finds most important in their career, and how they wish to grow within a company.

• Last year 50% of financial analysts deemed career advancement as
most important when looking into a new career opportunity. This year,
the majority of survey participants leaned towards compensation as most
important at 51.3%, with career advancement falling in as 2nd most
important at 25%.

• The past two years’ financial analysts noted that once their financial
analyst position was mastered they would prefer to advance into an
acquisitions role—last year coming in at 54%, and this year at 56%.

• Last year, the majority of financial analysts at 47.6% noted that internships
are the most important factor for students who are still in college to
consider when thinking of their career, whereas this year only 12.5%
agreed. Choosing the right degree took the lead this year with 33.8%.

• Holding a master’s degree can increase a financial analyst’s salary by an
average of $7,000 per year of experience compared to those with just an
undergraduate degree.

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