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7 Keys To An Effective Remote Interview Strategy

By April 3, 2020April 18th, 2024RETS Blog

Since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, the use of remote interviewing technologies has increased by more than 300%. 

Tech giants Google, Amazon, and Facebook have already announced their move to online job interviews, and many business leaders are seeking advice on how to make this shift most effectively.

As your partner for real estate talent acquisition, RETS has assembled seven best practices to assist our Clients in optimizing the remote interview process.

  1. Test Your Tech – RETS recommends signing in a minimum of 10 minutes before a scheduled interview to ensure your conferencing platform and internet connection are functioning properly.
  2. Pay Attention to Your Environment – Employers know that the interview process is a two-way street: both parties are evaluating each other to ensure the role will be a fit. RETS advises employers to put their best foot forward by ensuring the visible environment on a videoconference reflects the culture of the interviewing company. Clear clutter, add branded elements, and ensure that everything looks welcoming and organized.
  3. Avoid interruptions – If you are interviewing in a house with multiple people or pets, be sure to let everyone in the house know ahead of time that you will be in an interview while securing any animals away from your interview space.
  4. Close Your Email and Put Away Your Phone – Distractions can be a connection-killer, and it’s easy to become distracted if email alerts are popping up during an interview. Close your email and put your phone away before the interview to give the candidate your full attention.
  5. Prepare list of interview questions – It’s essential to have a well-defined list of interview questions prepared for each candidate. Define what information you want to know about the candidate’s background, experience, knowledge, career needs or other requirements of the position. This preparation will keep the interview focused on what matters most for you to make an informed and right decision.
  6. Turn Up the Volume and Remember to Listen – Listening is arguably the most important skill for today’s interviewers. Candidates often reveal much about themselves in quick comments or asides. On virtual platforms, this makes audio even more important. Turn up the volume or wear headphones to ensure you really do catch everything. Additionally, it can be easier to talk over people on a webcam call, so slow down, pause and wait for the interviewee to stop speaking before you answer.
  7. Schedule According to Optimal Video Interview Times – 61% of CFOs say that mornings between 9:00am and 11:00am are ideal times for remote interviews. RETS recommends scheduling a maximum of three interviews per day. This ensures that hiring companies can give candidates the time and focus that is needed to effectively evaluate their skillsets and determine if the person is truly a great fit.
  8. Avoid Video Fatigue – The average duration for a video interview is 30-60 minutes. Any longer, and both the hiring company and candidate may become fatigued, and the interview could veer off-track. RETS recommends keeping duration to this timeframe and arranging multiple video interviews (spanning different days) for candidates when a deeper dive is needed.


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