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commercial real estate

The Climb Up The Brokerage Ladder

By Media Coverage

RETS Associates is at the forefront of hiring trends for candidates in every stage of their careers. This month, Real Estate Forum features our own Jana Turner, who shared her insight on how mid-level professionals can advance their careers through research, networking and passion for the industry.  As one of the nation’s leading real estate executive search firms, RETS specializes in connecting today’s companies with valuable talent to deliver long-term profitability.

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How a Problem at the Sydney Olympic Games Led to an Innovation in Commercial Real Estate

By Media Coverage

RETS Associates recently helped Australian-based CRE tech firm WebFM hire key positions to support its international expansion. Entrepreneur Magazine features our own Jana Turner, who sat down with WebFM’s CEO David Rafter to find out more about his firm’s industry-leading CRE technology, growth trajectory and his advice for non-US-based firms looking to expand internationally.

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