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All You Need to Know to Ace That Job Interview on Zoom

By May 7, 2020April 18th, 2024RETS Blog

Zoom has become more and more popular for business meetings and remote/video job interviews. As mentioned in a RETS’ recent blog 7 Keys to an Effective Remote Interview Strategy, the use of remote interviewing technologies has increased by more than 300% since the start of the coronavirus pandemic. There are many advantages to remote job interviewing, including no need to meet face-to-face, it can be easily organizedit gives candidates the ability to interview in the comfort of their own homeHere are some great tips to help you feel confident and impress the hiring manager for your next virtual interview:  

  1. Get Familiar with your Technology: First of all, it is crucial to treat your Zoom interview like any other video job interview. You should make sure that you get familiar with the platform and technology so that you’re comfortable. Make sure to download the app ahead of time and play around with it so that you’re ready. 
  2. Virtual Interview Attire: Your attire for a virtual interview should be the same as an in-person interview. Of course, this will all vary depending on your industry and position, but most likely means that you should wear business attire.  
  3. Set Up a Distraction-Free Area: Find a room or area of your home that is quiet as well as a good setting. Make sure to eliminate visual distractions like items on the floor or anything that could be a distracting item on the wall behind you. You want the interviewer to be able to focus on you and your answers, and eliminate anything that will hurt their ability to do this. Even make sure to shut your windows, just in case unnecessary noise comes up like lawnmowers, cars, etc. 
  4. Be On-Time, but Not Early: Many employers are also new to using Zoom or many virtual interviewing platforms. Many may be using the same “meeting room” or link for multiple job seekers. RETS recommends entering the Zoom meeting or interview 2-3 minutes before the scheduled time, but no sooner.  
  5. Use a Professional Profile Name: When you’re setting up your Zoom account, be sure that your profile name is professional. The simplest way is to use your full name for your profile.  
  6. Close All Other Programs on Your Computer & Mute Laptop Notifications: This is one is easy to forget, but closing down programs might be a game-changer so your interview isn’t interrupted by email alerts, chimes, or any other popups.  
  7. Prepare Answers to the Most Common Questions: Don’t get sidetracked by all the technology that you forget to prepare for the interview itself! Plan for how to answer some of the most common interview questions employers ask, and also think about any potential concerns they may have about your background in particular and how you’ll address those.   
  8. Smile to Boost Confidence: Since the interview is virtual, smiling while making frequent eye contact is a simple, powerful and effective way to create a powerful interpersonal connection with your interviewers. Why smile? Studies show that smiling can decrease your stress level, help you think more clearly, and respond better to interview questions.  
  9. Use the “Mute” Button in Case of Emergency: If you get hit with a sneezing or coughing fit, you can use Zoom’s mute button in the bottom left hand corner!  
  10. Connect with the Camera: During the virtual interview, look directly into the camera to make eye contact with your interviewers. Of course, you don’t have to do this the entire time, but make sure to do it often when you have a chance.  
  11. Reflect & Follow Up: After the interview, you have the luxury of sitting back in the comfort of your quiet space to review what you learned during this experience. Take this time to go over any notes you took and to reflect on the information that they shared.  


Eddie McGowan, Director, About Eddie 

The RETS Team brings a deep, strategic understanding of the real estate industry to your recruitment needs. Click here for more insights & tips.